Sunday, September 12, 2010

Coach Pitch Baseball

Danny has started Fall Ball. They use Fall Ball as preparation for the following spring season. This means that Danny is in Coach-Pitch!! He is very excited because he gets to play with the bigger kids and, of course, no T to hit off of. They play all different positions. Danny got to play catcher for the first time with pads.On his 2nd at-bat, he hit a double and the next batter hit him in! He was so proud of himself! It is hard to watch though, because they do "3 strikes and you're out". It's hard to watch the kids get out, which most of them do most of the time. But, practice makes perfect. This will be a great way to get ready for the spring.
We bought Danny his Halloween costume. He has been adamant that he was going to be a soldier for a while. I am going to have Reagan be an Angel. I'd like Amelia to be a devil, but she really wants to be a Princess.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Amelia's first day of Pre-K

Mia had her first day of Pre-K on Wednesday. She was a bit less than excited to go. She has 2 little girls from previous classes with her. This is Mia with her teacher, Ms. Christina. She is young and bubbly, but I have heard that she is a stickler for following rules and a no-nonsense kind of teacher. I hope that is true because I heard Mia tell Ms. Christina "no" a few times on Wednesday! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Danny's first day of 1st grade

Danny had his first day of 1st grade a few weeks ago. He has the same teacher that he had last year, so there was very little transition. He has quite a few friends in his class and a few new faces. Danny and Ms. Beals.